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Academy Committee - began spring 2022

The governance of our school is conducted via The First Federation Trust (see below). We also have a local academy committee. This is made up of two elected staff representatives, two elected parent representatives, up to two community members, and the head of school. The group meet once per half term, discuss the school improvement work and matters arising and has the following members:


Rianne Keys (parent council member, appointed 16/02/23 for four years).

Information to be added.


Georgia Bays (parent council member, appointed 17/07/23 for four years).

Information to be added.


Laura Piper (elected by support staff on 14/01/2022 for four years):

I am one of the staff representatives. My role at the school is Family Support Worker, and the Academy Committee gives me an opportunity to consider whole-school actions and their implications for the people who work at school. 


Katie Burnett (elected by teachers on 06/10/2022 for four years):

Information to be added. 


Simon Atkinson (appointed by the First Federation Trust on 14/01/2022 for four years:

I am the Baptist Minister of Brixington Community Church. I have been the minister since September 2006 and, as part of my role, I am the Chaplain to Exeter Chiefs Rugby Club.

During my time in Exmouth, we have worked closely with school undertaking regular assemblies.


Ruth Kennedy (appointed by the First Federation Trust on 01/09/2023 as a community member for four years).

Information to be added.


Stuart Dyer (Head of School):

I have been head of school at Brixington since September 2017. I feel that the development of the Academy Committee is a real step forward for our school as it means important decisions for and evaluations of the school are made from the perspective of all stakeholders. 


A chair is appointed for each meeting.


You can find the register of business interests for the committee below:

The school is part of the First Federation Trust, a multi-academy trust. Its governing body is the Board of Directors of the First Federation Trust.


More information about the governance of the school can be found on the First Federation website, using the links below:


Members of the First Federation Trust

For information about the members’ role, who they are and their register of business and pecuniary interests.


Governing Board

For information about the directors’ role, the composition of the board, the role of committees and advisory boards & groups, and the scheme of delegation.



For directors' biographies, their register of pecuniary and business interests and attendance records, and how to contact the directors.


Hub boards

For information about the composition of the hub boards and who the members of those boards are.


Parent council members

For information about the role of parent council members and who they are.


Key information

For formal documents about the First Federation Trust: memorandum and articles of association, funding agreements, annual reports and financial statements.



For minutes of governance meetings.
