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Reception Beach Trip June 2024

Being imaginative in EYFS 15.3.24

Celebrating World Book Day in EYFS 6.3.24

Writing a dictated sentence in Reception 1.3.24

EYFS had a visit from a dentist 23/2/24

For more information on how to look after your child’s teeth, please see this link

EYFS - Art week 8.2.24

EYFS - Celebrating Chinese New Year 5.2.24

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The children have enjoyed learning about Chinese New year and practising the Lion dance.

EYFS - Setting ourselves a goal 20.1.24

FSU - Ice experiments at school and at home 12.1.24

FSU Nativity - WHOOPS A DAISY ANGEL - 8.12.23

Drawing Club in Reception 30.11.23

First attempt at writing a sentence 15.11.23

Poppy pictures using loose parts for Remembrance Day. 10.11.23

Brixington Bear Travels - The children have enjoyed talking about their adventures with Brixington this Half Term. 3/11/23

Learning how to look after our teeth in EYFS 18.10.23

No Outsiders in EYFS - 13.10.23


As part of our “No Outsiders” education, the children in our Reception class engaged with Todd Parr’s book titled “The Family Book.”  The book taught us that families come in various forms but share a common element: LOVE. We discussed the various expressions of love and the children were able to show this love whilst caring for a baby in their play. 

Outdoor role play in EYFS 6.10.23

Home Learning 29.9.23

Copying a repeating pattern in Nursery 29.9.23

Phonics 22.9.23

Understanding the World - Out and about with Brixington Bear 21.9.23

Learning about emotions [PSED) 15.9.23

A great first week back in Reception 7.9.23

Pumpkin Fun 3.11.22

Brixington Bears 6.9.22

Beach Trip 19.7.22

Great home learning in Reception this week 7.5.22

Reading at home

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At Brixington, we value the importance of reading regularly. A little practise every day makes such a difference. Keep up the great work everyone!

National hedgehog week

Outdoor Adventure Club 27.4.22

Observing lifecycles 11.4.22

Getting ready for Easter 7.4.22

Loose Parts Play 28.3.22

Police Visit FSU 5.3.22

Chinese New Year Parade 9.2.22

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Our Reception children enjoyed taking part in our Lion and Dragon dance to celebrate Chinese New Year.

Ticket to Uganda Day 27.1.22

Messy Mark Making and Magic with Magnets. 17.1.22

Magic with Magnets

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We enjoyed experimenting with magnets this week, especially when we discovered we could paint with them, too.

A busy start to the Spring Term in FSU! 10.1.22

Exploring light and dark

We explored a dark tent using torches. Then we investigated putting different coloured paddles and different types of materials in front of our torches to see what happened.

Our Young Environmentalists conduct an Eco-Review of our school 15.11.21

Our Young Environmentalists conducted an Eco Review today. 

The results were as follows:

3/3 for Healthy living

2/3 for biodiversity.

2/3 for transport 

2/3 for water

2/3 for litter

2/3 for Marine conservation

2/3 School grounds

1/3 for Global citizenship

1/3 for waste

0/3 for energy saving


Actions to consider: 

We need to build a hideaway for hedgehogs and feed birds through the winter.

We need to turn off more lights in our school.

We could sponsor an endangered animal / look after an endangered animal teddy.

Ban glitter

Children to look after the plants in the classroom and outside area (not just the adults) 

Collect rainwater 

Recycling bin in every classroom

Encourage worms to move into the existing compost bins.


Our Young Environmentalists will now consider these actions and prioritise the ones we feel are the most important to promote within the school.

Visit from the Fire and Rescue service 🚒 8.11.21

Today, we had a visit from the Fire and Rescue service. We were able to look inside the fire engine and the fire and rescue team explained all the different apparatus they use for different jobs. We were reminded of the very important number we dial in an emergency. We enjoyed watching the fire and rescue team put on their safety clothing and we listened to their voice and the sound of them breathing whilst wearing the oxygen mask. We were shown the flashing lights and then each had a turn putting out a pretend fire with the water hose. We had such a fantastic time. Thank you to Exmouth Fire and Rescue for spending time with us this morning and doing such a fantastic job at keeping us all safe. 


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Fire Service imaginative play with loose parts 1.11.21

Dentists come to FSU! 18.10,21

Dentist Visit

Rub a Dub Scrub in Foundation, this week

Potion Making - 6/10/21

Emotions - 30/09/2021

Loose Parts Play

Big mark making in FSU

Discovering dinosaurs in the FSU!

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Exploring our curiosity cube

Observing and releasing our butterflies

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The children enjoyed observing the caterpillars metamorphosing into butterflies. Today, we said goodbye to allow them to continue their life cycle.

Race for life! 24.05.21

Excitement in EYFS as our caterpillars change to their chrysalis stage

Amazing addition - The children have been combining two amounts by counting on (11.05.21)

Transient Art - Using loose parts and our imagination to make pieces of art (5.5.21)
