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Year 5

17.10.24 - Today year 5 have been visited by Kim from the NSPCC. We learned about talking to trusted adults to keep ourselves safe.

23.9.24 - ART - exploring watercolour techniques

16.9.24 - Maths - exploring decimals

5B Breakfast Brunch - exploring the safe use of ovens and hobs! 18th July

5B have been making sculptures out of modelling wire - can you tell what they're going to be yet?

5B have been measuring angles on the tables! We have been exploring different types of angles and measuring them with protractors!

26.6.24 - COMPUTING - 5B - Today we have been exploring the techniques we need to create a vlog.

20.6.24 - ART - Today 5H have been making the wirework structures which will form the base of our sculptures. It was trickier than we thought it was going to be and took lots of concentration and perseverance!

11.6.24 - ART - Today 5H have been thinking about body shapes and proportion in preparation for making sculptures inspired by Ancient Greek statues later in the term.

27.2.24 - PE - More Outdoor Adventurous Activity for 5H today. This time we have been designed our own trails within the school grounds, laid out our clues and challenged other teams to follow our routes.

26.2.24 - Keeping Ourselves Safe Online - This afternoon, year 5 had a visit from a police officer. She talked to us about keeping personal information safe online, what to do if something happens online that makes us uncomfortable and how to enjoy being online safely.

20.2.24 - PE - Outdoor Adventurous Activity - To kick off our new PE unit of learning, we have been using maps to find locations around the school grounds. At each location we found some information. We had to crack the code and solve the puzzle. Lots of teamwork on display!

5.2.24 - ART DAY - Inspired by the work of Nick Park, we have designed and created our own alien characters.

30.1.24 - MATHS - Measuring area in m2 - What is the area of our playground?

29.11.23 - ART Exploring different brush techniques with watercolours

Year 5 Anti-Racism Ribbons for PSHE

5B Gymnastics - exploring balances, jumps and rolls!

27.9.23 - 5H - DT - Sewing

19.9.23 - DT - 5H tackling back stitch today. We showed resilience and didn't give up!

13.9.23 - Design Technology, textiles - Our school value of endeavour was on show today as we reactivated our sewing skills. We kept trying, even when it was tricky!

Dissecting reproductive parts of a flower (27.6.23)

Exploring the movement of the Earth and the Sun (17.5.23)

Timeline work in history - when was Ancient Greece? (11.5.23)

Exploring pulleys and gears in DT (12.1.23)

Macbeth crime scene 31/3/22

Science - experiment with irreversible chemical changes (15.3.22)

Comparing and describing lengths using multiplication (and ribbons!) 2.2.22

Ticket to Uganda Day 27.1.22

Design Technology 21.01.2022: Gears, Pulleys and Levers

Y5 Annual Community Beach Clean

24th May 5B Race For Life - a bit muddier than expected!

6th May Y5 Farm group preparing and planting the raised beds

6th May- 5SB really enjoyed the comics Mr Dyer lent us to read. We really were reading for pleasure

Using printing techniques in art with a special visitor

King Duncan is dead and Macbeth is suspected. We wrote up police reports to help solve the crime.

7th January 2022 - Practical maths - exchanging when dividing two-digits by one-digit.
