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Parent Information

Exmouth Youth Session Information

Coffee Morning for parents/carers of children with SEND - June 6th

Coffee Morning for parents/carers of SEND children March 18

Staffing Update December 2023

School Closure Thursday November 2nd

Budleigh Salterton Literary Festival

Industrial Action July 5th and 7th... and class transition sessions

Sports Days 2023

Y6 Transition at Hive information

FFT Parent Newsletter

Parent Newsletter from First Federation Trust December 2022

Safe Use of Technology

Local Authority Inspection of SEND - letter to parents

TT RockStars Competition! 8th February onwards

Parent Information November 1st

Snippets useful information

Brixington Toddler Group

Children Returning to Primary School: a leaflet from Devon County Council

Letter to parents from Paul Walker

NFER research project - Information for ALL Y2-6 parents

Reading with your child

Letter to parents 16.4.21

24.3.21 Adjustments to NR collection and drop-off

Letter regarding ongoing school closure: 27/01/2021

Important Information for all Parents/Carers regarding home learning and in-school provision 6/01/2020

Newsletter Tier 3 31/12/2020

New Year Letter from Devon Local Authority

Exmouth Community College need our help!

Reporting Covid During the Holidays

November National Lockdown

Parent Forum Autumn 2020

Response to Autumn Parent Forum

Thank you to everyone who submitted their responses and questions.


All respondents felt well informed about how the school is managing the virus, and the vast majority felt extremely well informed.


All respondents said they would know what to do if their child developed symptoms or if they had to isolate.


Most respondents found the recent virtual parents evenings to be informative, helpful and accessible, and a majority felt that we should use this system again if meetings in person are not possible. 


The overwhelming majority of respondents said that they have noticed very little difference in how their child feels about school, despite the changes that have been put in place this year. 


Questions were asked around the following themes and these will be addressed via video later this term:

-face coverings

-mixing bubbles at playtimes

-access to remote learning

-queueing to enter the site



Parent Evenings-Further Information


Thank you for participating in our virtual Parent Information Evenings. 


If you have requested a time than you will be sent a time slot at least 24 hours before the time you requested. Please let the office know if you haven’t received a slot by this time. You will also receive a Zoom invitation. 


On the evening of your slot, please click the Zoom link to activate 5 minutes before your agreed slot. You will access the ‘waiting room’ first and will not be admitted until the teacher is ready. Teachers will try hard to stick to time but please forgive them if they are running a few minutes late.  


 This is obviously the first time that we are running meetings in this way and I would ask you to please be patient with us and to consider the following: 


-The aim of the meeting is to give parents/carers an opportunity to meet the teacher and hear how their child has settled back in to school, and to discuss what they have begun to learn about.  

-It is quite possible that some of us may encounter technical issues and, if this is the case please do not worry. If necessary, the teacher will catch up with you by telephone another time.  

-It is essential that you choose a name on Zoom that allows the teacher to identify your child (e.g. John F’s carer).  

-Only parents/carers and the child can be present in the room for the virtual meeting. 

-We are aiming for meetings to last around 8 minutes. If you have an issue to discuss that may take longer, then the teacher will ask you to discuss it with them another time.  





Parents Evening Autumn 2020 - please read and complete survey

School Support if children or staff are isolating

Adjustment to end of day one-way system:

From Monday 14.9.20

-Gates will be opened from 2.55pm in time for the 3pm collection.  

-Year 5 and 6 children, at the end of the day, will now be allowed to walk up the path to meet parents on the top playground. Parents who would like to walk down to meet their older children, will need to exit the top site through the playground gate and walk down Brixington Lane to the lower site.  

Please remember that children will leave their classroom at 3, 3.10, or 3.20 to meet you but cannot come out earlier.  

Watch school council's video to demonstrate the changes: 


Please see below a letter from Paul Walker about the school's September re-opening

Details of class organisation for 2020/21

1/07/2020 Letter regarding transition sessions

17.6.20 Letter from Dawn Stabb, Head of Education and Learning at Devon County

Important Update regarding School Re-opening

On Tuesday June 9th, Gavin Williamson announced that schools should no longer attempt to bring all children back to school before September. 

We are sorry that this means we will not be able to invite Years 2-5 back this term. This means that home learning will continue until the summer holidays. Moving forward, we will work on the assumption that school will re-open for all pupils in September, and we will begin planning the best possible way that a successful transition can be achieved under the current circumstances. 


Currently, we continue to be open for only vulnerable pupils, those whose parents are key workers, and Years N, R and 1. We are still planning to invite Year 6 back on a part-time basis as soon as we can. 


We have now established 'bubble' classes in our schools, based on parents' responses to recent surveys. Please understand that any new enquiries about key worker places would pose significant challenge to our newly established routines. As a result, it may take at least a week to facilitate a place and it is quite likely that it would be in a new year group and with an unfamiliar teacher and pupils. 


Please see a letter below from our Chief Executive with further information. 


Important Update regarding breakfast and after school club (FISH) 5.6.20

Update on Phased Reopening 29/5/20

After the briefing last evening, we can confirm that school will be opening for SOME pupils on Tuesday June 2nd (Monday June 1st is a non-pupil day). It is very important that all parents read the information below. 

Parents whose children are attending from Tuesday will all receive a message by lunchtime on 29/5 to identify their child's classroom and teacher.


Do not attend school on Tuesday 2/06 unless you have had this confirmation message.


If you think there has been an error, please email us straight away. 

Update on Re-opening 27/05/2020


Date for re-opening

The Government remain committed to a June 1st start date. We are working to this date and expect confirmation this Thursday. 

Our planned phased re-opening schedule (dependant upon confirmation from Government):

-June 1: Non Pupil Day - only open for essential key worker children who can not find alternative arrangements (parents have already signed up for this)

-Tuesday June 2: key worker children, vulnerable children and Nursery children.

-Monday June 8: Reception children added

-Monday June 15: Year 1 children added

-Monday June 22: Year 6 children added (part time)


If at all possible, we will invite year groups back quicker than the above plan, but only when health and safety arrangements have been met. 

Every Friday will be a non-school day, with all pupils learning at home, except those whose parents are critical workers and cannot make alternative arrangements.



A MyEd message confirming the names of children who have been allocated a place for childcare on Fridays was sent at 09.00 27/5/20. If you have requested childcare on Fridays (because you are unable to find alternative childcare and must go to work), but have not received a MyEd message, then please let us know immediately. 

Nursery children

-Nursery aged children will be invited to attend as soon as school reopens (most likely June 2nd - see below). Schooling will take place in Green Base as before, with the same teachers. 

-Our assumption is that children will resume the same hours they were already booked in for. 

-If you would like to change or add new sessions, this can be done in the normal way and for the normal costs (usual 15 or 30 hours entitlement remains in place, and additional sessions can be purchased).

-If your hours are remaining the same, and you have filled in last week's survey, there is no need to do anything else now except await confirmation of school re-opening. 

-If you would like to amend or add hours, please email so that we can update our registers. 

-If your child will be joining us for the first time, please let us know an appropriate time for us to call and discuss an appropriate transition plan



After School/Breakfast Club

FISH will be restarting their offer once the Government confirms reopening. This will begin on June 8th and will be Mon-Thu. 

In the meantime, on June 1,2,3,4,5, and every Friday, the school will provide wraparound care if essential key workers require it. This will be from 07.40 and until 17.30 (16.00 on Fridays). It will be in the lower site mobiles and will have the same cost as normal FISH prices (payable through ParentPay). 


If you require this service with us, then please email/or MyEd to let us know. 


A letter about signing up to hours with FISH will be with you on Friday or as soon as the Government announce a date for phased re-opening. 


Staggered starts/ends

When school re-opens, there will be one way systems for drop-off and pick-up which will be confirmed in the coming days.

Children whose surnames begin with letters A through K will be asked to arrive between 08.30 and 08.45. Parents will then need to arrive between 15.00 and 15.15, when children will be brought out to the playground.

Children whose surnames begin with letters K through Z will be asked to arrive between 08.45 and 09.00. Parents will need to arrive no earlier than 15.15. Children will be brought out at 15.25. 



Update on re-opening 22/5/20

At 5pm on Friday 22/5/20 we sent confirmation messages via MyEd to parents whose children have been allocated a place at school when re-opening occurs (date to be announced after May 28)

Please be aware that only Nursery, vulnerable and key worker children will return. Reception will return a few days later (to be confirmed). 


Why haven't I been sent a confirmation message?

-You may not have completed the survey that was sent this week

-You may not be a key worker or a Nursery/Reception parent

-Your child's year group may not be part of the planned re-opening (Years 2-5)

-Your child may be in Year 1 or Year 6 (their re-opening arrangements will be confirmed at a later date)


Surveys for re-opening

All families have been sent a survey regarding re-opening, via MyEd/SMS. Please answer this as soon as possible to aid our planning.


FAQs about the survey

(Remember you can see details of where we are up to with our planning here:


Will children wear uniform? 

Yes. If this is difficult because they have grown out of it, please wear as close as possible to normal uniform. Proserve are offering some supplies online. 


I'm a key worker but only work 2 days a week - will my children only attend on those days?

If you are a key worker who intends to send their children to school, we would encourage the children to attend Monday to Thursday. This will allow us to provide consistency of education. If families are eager for their children to attend fewer sessions than this, we will discuss this with them, individually. 


Who will be teaching my child?

Wherever possible, children will be grouped with similar aged pupils and will be led by staff who normally work in that part of the school. However, it will not be possible for every child to be taught by their normal teacher in their normal room. 


I still have a question

Please email us at, even during the half term break

 (the school office is currently closed and phone calls might not be answered)


The government have produced more guidance for parents about home learning:




Letter to all parents/carers from Mr Walker, Chief Executive of First Federation Trust 8/5/2020

School Closure News: 

School is now closed until further notice.

Childcare is only being provided to vulnerable children and those whose parents are critical to the Covid-19 response. Registers for the upcoming weeks are being managed through the MyEd system. If you have not been contacted about childcare and believe you are eligible, and you have no alternative childcare arrangements, please contact school via MyEd or email

Please see the following links for updated guidance from government regarding key workers etc.

Upcoming Support Sessions available:




Upcoming webinar schedule


Managing aggression & violent behaviour in young people. Tuesday 28th April. 9am - 12pm.


Supporting social development in Autistic Children.

Wednesday 29th April. 10am - 12pm.


Autism & Demand avoidance [PDA].

Monday 4th May. 1pm - 3pm.



Special guest speaker webinar


Understanding & Supporting ADHD/ADD with

Fintan O Regan.

Tuesday 5th May. 10am - 12pm.

ELSA activities for 14 days of self isolation

Support available from school nursing team

Home Learning letter

Letter from First Federation Trust Chief Executive 17th March


Coronavirus update from NHS available at

DfE scam warning 27.3.20

We have been alerted by the DFE that some parents have received an email stating:


‘As schools will be closing, if you’re entitled to free school meals, please send your bank details and we’ll make sure you’re supported’.


This is a scam email – do not respond, and delete immediately.

If you think you might have been a victim of cyber-crime, please visit Action Fraud or contact them on 0300 123 2040.

For further support, Citizen’s Advice provide advice and support on online fraud. You can call their dedicated helpline or talk to someone online.

Letter to parents 11.3.2020

We have received the following advice from the Department for Education so far regarding the Coronavirus. In school, we will continue to encourage good hygiene, including regular hand washing. 


The government is monitoring Coronavirus and taking action at home and abroad. The risk to individuals remains low.


Advice to those who have travelled recently

Public Health England has changed the advice for individuals who have travelled recently as follows:

Travellers from Wuhan and Hubei Province

If you have travelled from Wuhan or Hubei Province to the UK in the last 14 days you should immediately:

  • stay indoors and avoid contact with other people as you would with the flu
  • call NHS 111 to inform them of your recent travel to the area

Please follow this advice even if you do not have symptoms of the virus.

Travellers from other parts of China and other specified areas

This advice applies to travellers who have returned to the UK from the following areas:

  • Elsewhere in China
  • Thailand
  • Japan
  • Republic of Korea
  • Hong Kong
  • Taiwan
  • Singapore
  • Malaysia
  • Macau

If you have returned to the UK from any of these areas in the last 14 days and develop symptoms of cough or fever or shortness of breath, you should immediately:

  • stay indoors and avoid contact with other people as you would with the flu
  • call NHS 111 to inform them of your recent travel to the country

Encouraging good hygiene

As always, if you have symptoms of a cold or flu, then there are measures you can take to stop germs:

  • always carry tissues with you and use them to catch your cough or sneeze. Then bin the tissue, and wash your hands, or use a sanitiser gel.
  • wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after using public transport. Use a sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available.
  • avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • avoid close contact with people who are unwell.

Latest information

Updates on Coronavirus:

Travel advice for those travelling and living overseas:

Public Health England blog:

Communicating with our school

Class Dojo and Social Media

Parent Forum 12/11/2019


-Supporting children’s reading

-Home learning/homework

-Clubs offered to pupils


Attending parents discussed their own feelings on the above and also discussed them with a small number of pupils from across the school.


The results of these discussions were the following actions and questions for the school leadership team:



Increase number of clubs on offer (including some paid ones) and the number of people who can participate in each club.


Establish a gradual increase in amount of homework as children move up through the school.


Ensure there are sufficient books of every ability range in our libraries.


Increase number of mathematics activities offered available for home learning.


Provide additional options and helpful vocabulary on homework sheets, so parents can even better support their children with home learning.


Increase the range of non-fiction texts available in school.


Make clear to all parents the possible voluntary positions available at school.


How do we offer more clubs after school while considering teacher workload?


What other information evenings would be useful for parents (e.g. maths, phonics etc)?


How can we ensure that parents understand the expected level for reading for their children’s age?


What questions/prompts can parents be given to support with reading?


How can we ensure that coloured bands or Accelerated Reader levels do not hold back children’s enjoyment of reading?


What further fundraising opportunities can parents support with?


Can homework sheets be used to support parents’ understanding of what is being learned in school?


Supporting Families in the Evenings and Weekends:

Parent Invitation Afternoon - 12/02/2019

Thank you to all parents who were able to attend our Invitation Afternoon. It was fantastic that over 100 parents were able to participate in school activities for the afternoon. Children enjoyed sharing their learning and parents were able to see some of their latest work. 


Afterwards, parents spent time in the hall with Mr Dyer and were able to feedback their views on a range of issues including: 

-Brixington's praise and reward systems and how good behaviour is encouraged

-the school's improvements with regard to current priorities

-home learning

-current support from the First Federation and how it has been targeted for support that fits the individual needs of Brixington


If you would like to share your views on any of the above, then please complete our parent survey at or email the office for Mr Dyer's attention. 


School staff were also consulted after the event, and the school will endeavour to provide similar opportunities every half term in each year group, though times will vary in order to allow as many parents a possible to attend. 

E-Safety Evening and Parent Forum - Monday December 03 - 18:00

Our next forum will involve feedback from external school reviews, regarding the school's progress towards current targets. 

There will also be a thirty minute session about how to keep children safe online. If you have particular concerns that you would like addressed as part of the session (e.g. texting, instagram, etc) then please let the school know beforehand. 

Parent Forum October 2018


Please see the link below for minutes of our meeting last week. 

If you would like to comment on any of the matters that were under discussion, you can do so by clicking this link: 

School Grounds Need You!

Still image for this video

Parent Forum October 11th 2018 - 6pm

Please keep this date in your diaries so that you can attend our next Parent Forum.

Agenda for the evening:

1. Mr Dyer will update parents and carers on the school's progress towards current priorities and the ongoing support and challenge that it is receiving. 


2. Mr Dyer will outline and clarify recent changes to personnel and how the school is led and organised.


3. Parents will be asked to provide their own views on some specific areas of school improvement, which will contribute to ongoing plans. 

Keeping busy over the summer

It is absolutely essential that children continue reading as much as they can over the summer. The Exmouth library has a brilliant reading challenge available. It is free for all to enter and if children read 6 books in 6 weeks, they qualify for a free trip to Crealy! Find out more at


Children who read and practise their times tables and number skills over the summer, begin the new term with a significant advantage. Research also shows that Snakes and Ladders and similar board games are also brilliant learning opportunities.


If it's fiercely difficult to drag children away from their screens over the summer, then you may find the following websites a useful compromise: Choose two of the times tables that you have been learning recently in school. For each one, click on the times table, then complete all five steps. You may also choose to play some of the games available.

Learn about digital safety and explore the cyber cafe at

Build your own computer games at or practise your computer programming with Star Wars and Minecraft at


Keeping a journal of all you have done over the summer is also a great idea, and is a perfect this to share with the new class in September. 





Update on Priorities - July 2018

Parent Forums - May 2018


Brixington Parent Forum November 2017


Information from Head of Teaching and Learning

Matters arising from last forum. Progress towards issues from the last forum were shared.

Structure of school within First Federation Trust. Mr Dyer explained his role in relation to the distributed leadership structure of the Trust.

Staffing. New staffing arrangements, including TA structure and NQTs were explained.

Behaviour. Behaviours link to the school values was described and it was explained that staff are currently holding meetings regarding the best way to support good behaviour at playtimes, including introducing different zones monitored by specific staff.  


Matters discussed

Home learning opportunities for reading and mathematics, and new programmes used at school (Accelerated Reader and Hegarty Maths).

Home learning opportunities in general.

Break and Lunch provision.



Whole-school actions

  • Clarify for parents the topics that are being taught in class, for example the specific maths objectives for the term or week.
  • Further encourage outdoor learning activities for all pupils, including younger pupils.
  • Explore the expectation of ‘topic homework’ in different year groups – is it purposeful?
  • Recruit volunteers for reading and provide training for how they can best support pupils – for example using phonics.
  • Provide information regarding which times tables children should know in each year group, and how to help them practise.

A number of actions more specific to certain year groups or children were also identified by Mr Dyer after feedback from parents.








Summer Term 2017 Parent Forum 


Friday 26th May  2017



The focus of the Summer Terms Parent Forum was ‘With a new HOTL starting September the following questions were asked and discussed. What are the Foundations of Brixington Academy and 'What should the priorities be for the next academic year from a parental perspective?' There was a real healthy discussion and the following features were raised….


Foundations of the school included;

-Rewards and celebrating achievement

-Stay and play opportunities in the Foundation and Early Years

-Teacher and Parent relationships

-  The school community atmosphere and how the children feel at school

-  Supportive and approachable staff that understand the different range of children and their needs

-  Teaching standards

-  The writing walls

-  Text communicate supports the needs of working parents

-  Sporting events and achievements

-  Uniform and Identity

-  The PTA and its passion and commitment


Priorities for the next academic year;

-  A greater range of musical opportunities -

-  More outdoor learning and access to holiday clubs

-  A greater range of choice on the school menu

-  Better use of home school communication so parents have further warning of events. (Set up a school     Facebook page)

-  How the achievements of the school are celebrated in the wider community (Increase the reputation of the school

-  More traditional activities like sewing, jewellery making and cooking

-  Consistent approaches to behaviour by all teachers and consequences are delivered to a few children that affect the enjoyment of others.



-  Explore setting up a Facebook page from September 2017 to compliment the text message communication and Friday newsletter. Establish stronger links with the local press and share key new events with the media.

-  Review the school behaviour policy and increase teacher supervision at the start, end and over the lunch time period.

-  Review the school curriculum and look and focusing a greater range of musical opportunities for children and traditional activities.


The school has set up a survey monkey style questionnaire that will be going out shortly to compliment these responses to gain a broader range of views of the school.




Spring Term 2016 Parent Forum 


Friday 4th March 2016



I thoroughly enjoyed last weeks Parents Forum which took place following the Brixington Bistro.  A really healthy discussion was held around how the school could improve it’s communication with parents and what were the current strengths. Here is a summary of points raised and discussed.


What would you like to see on the school website? 

1. Current term dates and dates for the next academic year

2. School dinner menu for the half term

3. A full diary that outlines key events for the academic year

4. Whole school and class letters updated

5. Full school uniform list

6. Up to date Club timetable

7. Link to parent pay

8. Curriculum information 


Do you find the Brixington Bulletin informative?

1. Names of those children in the FSU who win the rosette to be included.

2. The photographs are too small and sometimes blurred. Could we receive it electronically?

3. Can be too long and would prefer it sent in an email format. 



What are the strengths of the school’s communication with parents?

1. The Brixington Bulletin provides celebratory information about what it means to be a child      at the school.  Parents like to see what other year groups have been up to.

2. Mr O’Mahony standing on the school gate in the morning welcoming children and  parents. 

3. Topical parent presentations relating to their child’s learning eg. SAT’s updates, how to support your child at home with their reading, phonic workshops.

4. FSU stay and play opportunities allowing you to learn with your child and seeing them in their own environment eg. Marking marking. 


How could the school communicate more effectively with parents?


1.Weekly activity board for each class outlining key events for the week eg. Forest Schools, P.E .

2. Greater notice on events so work commitments can be juggled.

3. Upload presentations made to parents so that these can be seen online if parents are unable to attend.

4. Increased staff presence outside of school in the morning. Perhaps other members of the school leadership team. 

5. Non urgent query email box accessed by the parent representative.

6. Whole school reading logs so parents can see how their child is supported with their reading in school. 


This week I have fed back to the School leadership team and the school office the key points from the meeting.  In the first newsletter after half term I will be including a copy of the topic map for each class and the outline of the weekly timetable that so you will have a clear outline of the children’s learning.  I am currently in discussions with a signs company regarding designs for a class update board. This will need to be waterproof and easily updatable. In the Summer term we will send out a request for e-mail addresses so we can send our newsletters electronically. Reading will be our whole school focus in the next academic year and we will be planning a series of parent briefings on strategies and how we can improve communication and liaison with parents.  


The date of the next for the next Brixington Bistro will be Friday 22nd April 2016 from 9.00am -9.45am. 
