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Online Learning and Esafety including Video Software Contract

The school will be using online learning platforms to support you, and these will be described in the home learning instructions for each year group. The government have also asked Oak Academy and BBC Bitesize to provide materials for parents. Learning online may work very well with your child, but please do ensure they are using devices safely at all times. 
Terms and Conditions for using Video Conferencing

Please read the following terms and conditions of use for video software (e.g. Zoom) - All parents/carers were sent s survey to agree to these conditions in September 2021.



In any event of video software being used to support learning, 

Teachers will:
•    Maintain a professional manner akin to their usual persona at school;
•    Be dressed appropriately and be situated in a formal setting, e.g. office/dining room;
•    Record all video conversations to ensure the safeguarding of children and themselves, and
•    Have the option of muting and or removing children from the conversation if the procedures are not followed.

Parents will:
•    Give permission for children to use their email address for use on Zoom;
•    Ensure a suitable adult is present throughout the meeting, not necessarily on video but always able to hear what the teacher is saying;
•    Ensure their child is in a suitable location for video calling, i.e. not in the child’s bedroom.
•    Maintain professional dialogue similar to how conversations at school would be conducted.

Children will:
•    Behave responsibly, and age-appropriately, always bearing in mind our school values and expectations;
•    Be expected to contribute and listen to others on the video call, and
•    Be kind.

