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Years 1 and 2

27.11.24 - English - Today we had a go at following a set of instructions. In groups, we were tasked with the challenge of making a jam sandwich correctly. We were very pleased that the final instruction said 'Eat your sandwich.' It was delicious!

16.10.24 - YEAR 2 MATHS - This week, we have started our new maths unit called 'Calculations within 20'. We started our week by adding three addends and challenged ourselves to use them in a 'First... Then... Then... Now...' story. Take a look at some of the children's examples! They are fab!

9.10.24 - YEAR 2 MATHS - This week our lovely year 2's have had a go at partitioning 2-digit numbers into tens and ones. They were very skilled at this with some children even challenging themselves to represent them with an equation! Good job guys!

4.10.24 - ROCKSTEADY Visit!! This week we enjoyed a very special visit from Rocksteady and had the opportunity to try out some of the electrical instruments. Rock on!!

History morning! Each class learnt about a person in history is still relevant today (Mother Teresa, Florence Nightingale, Amelia Earhart)

16.07.24 - Art morning - Creating a monoprint!

02.07.24 - Yr2 maths - Exploring Capacity!

26.06.24 - maths - In year 2 we have been weighing and comparing mass in grams!

12.06.24 Computing - Exploring and creating 'Google Slides / PowerPoint' all about China!

Magical Mathematicians! Year 2 have been working their socks off finding halves of amounts this week (17.05.24)

Jigsaw Geographers! The children have loved working collaboratively to build the jigsaw world maps! It has supported our Geography work on China this term and continents last term brilliantly - lots of country/continent and physical and human feature spotting going on!!

DT - To make a moving vehicle with fixed or free axels (14.05.24)

Our Science Walk 25.04.24. Looking for different types of plants in the school grounds.

Our amazing superhero dance!

Still image for this video

22.04.24 - KS1 Dance Day!

17.04.24 - Geography learning in year 1/2 looking developing a sense of the wider world

25.03.24 - Designing and making clay sculptures in the style of Barbara Hepworth


1st March 2024 - Year 2's being super mathematicians dividing with remainders!

Science - Using plastic bottles to test how far water travels

DT - Making our own smoothies!!!!!!!!

DT - Evaluating and comparing smoothies

Year 2 Maths - exploring multiplication as repeated addition!

DT - Getting stuck in making a structure!

History Walk around Brixington

DT- practising joining techniques

English Unit - Instruction Writing - "How to make a paper airplane"

PE - Exploring different rolls in gymnastics

maths - Understanding the value of different multiples of 10

Art - Exploring the effect a range of media has on tone

Art - Collecting nature for observational drawings

DT - We made our own cars with wheels and axles

Art - We explored a range of printing media - and got a little messy too!!!

History - We were explorers around our school site - finding new places we hadn't been before!

DT - Evaluating and comparing smoothies!

Science - Choosing the best material to protect Humpty Dumpty

Computing - Having fun using software to locate places

Art & Design - exploring which materials float and sink

Year 1 maths - Exploring 3D Shapes

DT - We had fun building a structure for Traction Man!

Comparing and measuring in maths: 8/10/2021

Maths - Learning to identify smaller numbers within a number 27.9.2021

Science in Year 1/2 - we have been investigating properties of everyday materials

Art in Years 1-2. We are exploring forms of art and were inspired by some of the greats! 17.9.21

Measuring capacity...getting wet! 14.6.2021

Maths-What can we do in 1 minute?

Maths - geometry: after a week studying properties of 3D shapes, Year 2 have been creating shapes using different resources. (7.5.2021)

Science - Plants - exploring parts of a flower
