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Years 3 and 4

23.7.24 - DOMINO'S PIZZA PARTY!!! As a very special treat for all of their hard work, we decided to reward your amazing children with an EPIC Domino's pizza party. It was thoroughly enjoyed by all and so very well deserved.

11.6.24 Geographers in action- Is Exmouth a settlement?

8.3.24 English- The Three Little Pigs Play

7.3.24 OAA Fire Lighting

6.3.24 OAA - This week we had a go at planning our outdoor shelters. We thought very carefully about the frame, location and resources that we needed. The children showed endeavour which resulted in some truly fabulous shelters!

In PE, we thoroughly enjoyed starting our Outdoor Adventurous Activities unit! Have a look at some of our pictures of the children exploring our farm and forest school areas, learning about fire safety and toasting some wonderful marshmallows! We also did amazingly well working in teams to look for areas we might construct shelters and experimented making cobwebs!

Science – Investigating the melting point of chocolate!

OAA - We really enjoyed our first session of outdoor adventure education! The children explored the forest school area, started looking at natural resources that might be useful for shelter building and were introduced to the campfire as we discussed fire safety rules. We even enjoyed a marshmallow or two...

Art Day - Inspired by the work of Nick Park, we have designed and created our very own characters for 'The Wrong Trousers' animation.

Maths - exploring partitioning factors in multiplication equations!

Spring Term Gymnastics Sequences - Swing and Hang!

19.2.24 OAA Education- Forest Rangers in Action!

Can we tempt you to purchase some of our expertly designed spy gadgets? Check out or persuasive texts to find out more...

Geography - A Virtual Safari to Paris and Mont Blanc

Winter Hockey- Amazing Endeavour in winter sunshine!

15.1.24 Gymnastics - Swing and Hang

11.1.24 Art - Exploring Colour Wheels

1.12.23 Art - Applying white colour glaze on our pinch-pots

16.11.23 - Today we started our new science unit on electricity. The children LOVED exploring the new equipment and challenged themselves to make the bulb and buzzer work! Well done team!

Art- Sculpting 13.11.23

Column Addition Using Manipulatives 7.11.23

Geography 3.11.23 Learning About Europe as a continent

19.10.23 - Science - Today we were setting up our science investigation, ensuring it was a fair test. We were looking at the impact of sugar in our food, on our teeth.

11.10.23 English- Planning and Designing our own gadgets for Explanation Writing

12.10.12 - Science - Today we investigated the shape and structure of teeth. We also looked at the different layers of a tooth and their features.

11.10.23 - Computing - Take a look at our book blogs! We hope you like them!

6.10.23 Ancient Egyptian Gods - Our Thinking Frames in progress learning about ancient belief systems

2.10.23 - 3/4K music - Today we have been playing glockenspiels to accompany 'Mamma Mia!'

28.9.23 Science - Today we investigated the functions of each part of the digestive system. We enjoyed making predictions about the role each everyday item represented in our experiment and were able to draw conclusions afterwards. Although we found it a little squeamish, it encouraged us to think about other questions we have about the digestive system.

26.9.23 English - Today we tried 'shared writing' in groups so that we could 'magpie' descriptive, imaginative phrases to use in our story settings about Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!

21.9.23 History - Today we explored an Ancient Egyptian belief... the afterlife!

12.9.23 PSHE- Our School Value Sportsmanship

June 23 - River Exe Geography/ Science Fieldwork Visit

13.06.23 History: Do you know what invasion and conquer mean?

25.5.23 RE - Pentecost

22.5.23 ART WORKSHOP Today we had a visit from artists commissioned by Exmouth Town Council working with us on sea monsters! The workshop was part of a project leading up to a piece of artwork for Exmouth seafront which aims to encourage people to recycle their plastic.

16.5.23 Art - Sketching Skills

15.5.23 MATHS - SYMMETRY Today we were composing shapes and identifying lines of reflective symmetry.

15.5.23 Cricket in the sunshine! Today we have been focusing on making quick decisions when fielding.

10.5.23 ART - showing control when drawing. We tried drawing with our dominant and non-dominant hands, our feet and with our eyes blind folded. It was tricky!

20.3.23 - Design Technology - Using seasonal vegetables to make a super tasty soup!

15.3.23 - Outdoor Adventurous Activity - Challenge: build a shelter to keep your egg safe!

1.3.23 - Outdoor Adventurous Activity - This week's challenge was to make the tallest structure using natural materials from the school grounds.

23.2.23 Geography- Learning Human and Physical Features and using GIS systems to explore

4K OAA Education 21.2.23

Art - Learning to colour mix using the wet brush technique - 17.1.23

British Values - DEMOCRACY - Following our recent assembly all about democracy, 4WS have been voting for our next class reader. And the winner is 'The Super Miraculous Journey of Freddie Yates'.

PE - gymnastics - exploring ways to SWING and HANG 16.1.23

PE - Gymnastics - 9.1.23

Science - Exploring electrical switches (1.12.22)

Art - Nov 22 - Sculpting characters from clay (Ancient Egyptian inspired canopic jars!)

Gymnastics - Nov 22 - Exploring changes of level, speed and direction

November 2022 Art- Sculpting

29.9.22 Ancient Egyptian Beliefs - Categorising Gods

4K - Exe Estuary (26.5.22) How many different types of shells can we find on the estuary? How do creatures protect themselves from predators? Can we work as a team to find lugworms, shrimps and fish?

4WS - Exe Estuary 12.5.22

Art 10.5.22 - How well can we control our pencils? We have drawn using our dominant and non-dominant hands, our feet and even blindfolded!

15.3.22 Loving the OAA this term - Today campfire lighting and toasted marshmallows

11.3.22 - PE - Outdoor Adventurous Activity - Showing our teamwork skills whilst building shelters using materials in our school grounds

World Book Day 3.3.22 Can you identify all our characters and books?

PE - Outdoor Adventurous Activity - 2.3.22 Exploring our school grounds, scouting for good places, and materials, to build shelters.

English - Inspired by our Tom Palmer author visit, today we are scrap booking our story ideas in year 4. 28.2.22

Science 3.2.22 - exploring sound and vibrations

Science: Designing and making electrical switches (January 2022)

19.1.22 - Artists at work! Learning the Wet Brush Technique today

18.1.22 Hockey Champions!

Maths 17.1.22 Exploring square numbers

Maths - 13.1.22 - Grappling with odds and evens

Art Dec 2021 Clay Sculpting

Geography Dec 2021 - Virtual Safari To European Landmarks

Nov 2021 Multiplication x 3

Geography Nov 21 - Developing Core European Knowledge

Geography Oct 2021 - Exciting to use the new globes!

19.10.21 - Music - Accompanying our singing of 'Mamma Mia' with the glockenspiels!

October 2021 Sharing our Persuasive Writing in the Author’s Seat

October 2021 History: Learning About Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

October 2021 - Magnificent Machines - English Inspired by Pie Corbett

Year 4 PE in Summer Heat!!

Geography 18.6.21 - Exploring Land Use In Exmouth - Satellite Mapping and Paper Maps

Geography Club 16.6.21 GeoBees Busy with Map Reading and Orienteering

Geography 8.6.21- GeoBees Session 1 Learning To Use a Compass

ART (8.6.21) - How many different shades can we create using 4B, 2B, 2H and 4H drawing pencils?

Design Technology 27.5.21 - Designing and Making Board Games with Switches and Circuits

Race for Life - 24.5.21 - Lots of money raised, lots of fun and just a little bit of mud!

Music - Playing untuned percussion instruments to accompany our singing of 'Blackbird' by The Beatles (18.5.21)

PE - Distance running (14.5.21) - Preparing for our very own Race For Life

HISTORY - 13.5.21 - Saxon Invasion and Conquest Work

In our DT lessons, we have been making our own electrical switches! 5.5.21

Some of the fabulous work on display in the year 4 shared area. (May 21)

PE - OAA (Outdoor Adventurous Activity) - Making the most of our amazing outdoor spaces! (March 21)
