First Federation Trust
- 1. READING Y5 - Volcanoes text.pdf
- 1. READING - Y5 Volcanoes questions.pdf
- 1. ENGLISH - I can use words in context.pdf
- 1. MATHS - Mini Maths morning warm up with answers wk 5.pdf
- 1. MATHS - Multiplication using the area model.pdf
- 2. READING for pleasure Y5 - Vocabulary.pdf
- 2. ENGLISH - I can answer questions about a text.pdf
- 2. MATHS - Mini Maths morning warm up with answers wk 5.pdf
- 2. MATHS - Short multiplication.pdf
- 3. READING Y5 - Hi Max! text.pdf
- 3. READING - Y5 Hi Max! questions.pdf
- 3. ENGLISH - I can write an embedded relative clause.pdf
- 3. MATHS - Mini Maths morning warm up with answers wk 5.pdf
- 3. MATHS - Long multiplication.pdf
- 4. READING for pleasure Y5 - Prediction.pdf
- 4. ENGLISH - I can explore descriptive ideas.pdf
- 4. MATHS - Mini Maths morning warm up with answers wk 5.pdf
- 4. MATHS - Short division.docx.pdf