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First Federation Trust Policies

Following our conversion to academy status in September 2015, the school has adopted the First Federation Trust policies.

These are available on the First Federation website, please click here to view and/or download them. 

Brixington's safeguarding policy is below and the Trust's Safeguarding policies are available here, including the Pupil Behaviour Policy.  The school's specific implementation of the Pupil Behaviour Policy is outlined in our Behaviour Management Plan.

Devon's Nursery Plus Team also work in our school. You can request to see a copy of Devon's Nursery Plus Risk Assessment via email. 

Child-Friendly Anti-Bullying Policy

Our child-friendly version of the anti-bullying policy was created by the School Council in July and September 2019, in time for Anti-Bullying Week in November. The School Council hope that it will help all children in the school have a clear and sensible understanding of the serious subject of bullying, and will feel empowered to act responsibly should they see it at school. 

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

In order to open these policies you will need Adobe PDF reader installed on your computer.  Most machines come with this installed but if not you can download it for free here.

FEEDBACK and Marking Policy and school principles

Our admissions policies are available in the admissions section of our website here

Code of Conduct for parents and visitors to school
