First Federation Trust
- HOME LEARNING MENU 29.6.20.pdf
- 1. READING for pleasure Y5 - Prediction.pdf
- 1. ENGLISH - I can begin to explore the power of stories.pdf
- 1. ENGLISH - metaphor game.pdf
- 1. ENGLISH - story spaces.pdf
- 1. ENGLISH - planning sheet.pdf
- 1. Fluent in Five Maths - Daily Arithmetic Warm up.pdf
- 1. MATHS - Guided lesson presentation- Add and subtract 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 and 100,000.pptx
- 1. MATHS Add and subtract 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 and 100,000.pdf
- 2. READING for pleasure Y5 - Word swap.pdf
- 2. ENGLISH - I can explore the characters and setting of 'I Believe in Unicorns'.pdf
- 2. ENGLISH - character silhouettes and word bank.pdf
- 2. Fluent in Five Maths - Daily Arithmetic Warm up.pdf
- 2. MATHS - Guided lesson presentation- Add and subtract near multiples of 10, 100, 1000.pptx
- 2. MATHS Add and subtract near multiples of 10, 100, 1000.pdf
- 3. READING for pleasure Y5 - Recommend a book to a friend.pdf
- 3. ENGLISH - I can discover mythical creatures and the power of imagination and creativity.pdf
- 3. ENGLISH - unicorn pictures.pdf
- 3. ENGLISH - unicorn fact file.pdf
- 3. ENGLISH - mythical creatures and fact files.pdf
- 3. ENGLISH - possible planning template.pdf
- 3. Fluent in Five Maths - Daily Arithmetic Warm up.pdf
- 3. MATHS - Guided lesson presentation- Find areas of squares and rectangles in cm2.pptx
- 3. MATHS Find areas of squares and rectangles in cm2..pdf
- 4. READING - Y5 A Jockey's Life text.pdf
- 4. READING - Y5 A Jockey's Life questions.pdf
- 4. ENGLISH - I can understand the narrative sequence of the play.pdf
- 4. ENGLISH - narrative cards.pdf
- 4. Fluent in Five Maths - Daily Arithmetic Warm up.pdf
- 4. MATHS Estimate the area of irregular shapes.pdf
- 5. Fluent in Five Maths - Daily Arithmetic Warm up.pdf
- SCIENCE - structure and function of a flower matching activity.pdf
- PSHE - A TO Z of wellbeing poster.pdf
- HISTORY - Exploration and discovery PowerPoint slides.pdf
- HISTORY - Frederick Catherwood Photopack.pdf
- HISTORY - evidence activity sheet.pdf