First Federation Trust
Ambitious school moves from ‘requires improvement to ‘good’ in its latest inspection
Staff and pupils at a Devon primary school are celebrating the results of its latest inspection by Ofsted. Brixington Primary Academy in Exmouth has been judged ‘good’ in all areas. Ofsted inspectors found the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management and the early years provision all to be good.
Ofsted noted how the school’s values of friendship, respect, honesty, endeavour and sportsmanship permeate the school and how pupils learn, how ambitious the school is for its pupils, and the calm and purposeful atmosphere.
Inspectors praised the strength of school leadership. They noted the investment in time and training to improve subject leadership, and the school’s ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and disadvantaged pupils.
Stuart Dyer, Head of School at Brixington Primary Academy, said “I’m extremely proud of the children and staff here at Brixington. Their positive approach and belief in the school has been crucial on this journey of improvement. The inspection was an opportunity for the team and children to demonstrate the impact of their hard work and dedication in achieving our vision for the school. Our mission is about inspiring excellence, so our journey doesn’t stop here – we will keep working to make the school even better.”
Since its last full inspection four years ago, the school embarked on a comprehensive development plan. Children’s attainment improved significantly as a result. Subsequent focus on curriculum development culminated in a new curriculum being put in place in 2019/20, with a new approach to senior and middle leadership to ensure this was successfully implemented. First Federation Trust supported the school with staff training, sharing good practice and close collaboration through its network of teaching specialists, as well as investing in a new early reading phonics programme and library of books.
Paul Walker, Chief Executive of First Federation Trust, said, “Achieving ‘good’ is a well-deserved outcome for everyone involved. The hard work of colleagues and pupils has been rewarded with this very positive report. As a member of the First Federation Trust family of schools, Brixington Primary Academy has benefited from tailored support from our Trust in key focus areas, as well as staff training and development, in areas such as subject knowledge and teaching practice. It’s fantastic to see Ofsted recognise the integral part this support has played.”
Stuart Dyer, Head of School added “I could not be prouder of this achievement and would like to thank the team at Brixington, the school community and First Federation Trust for their support.”
Comments from the Ofsted inspectors included:
‘Staff are ambitious for what they believe pupils can achieve.’
‘Children in early years get off to a strong and well-supported start.’
‘Staff encourage children to develop their problem solving and critical thinking skills. There is a rigorous approach to monitoring how successfully children learn. This ensures that children develop strong understanding.’
‘Pupils are keen to do their best. They know what is expected from them and respond to this positively.’
‘Staff feel well supported by the senior leadership team. They value the training and time they have had to develop as teachers and subject leaders. The trust uses its detailed knowledge of the school to provide support and challenge.’
‘Pupils say that they have no concerns about bullying. They are confident that staff would sort out any problems quickly should they occur.’