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Brixington’s Mini Sports Day



By Gracie – Year 5


On Friday September 18th,  years 4,5 and 6 took part in a mini sports day on the lower playground. There were running, jumping and hurdling competitions.

In year 5 four people stood out. In 5B Charleigh was showing extreme enthusiasm and Oliver M kept going even though he had hurt his leg. In 5SB Sophie clapped her team on and Flynn kept going even though he didn’t win the race.


In year 4 five children were noticed: from 4WS Rosie was cheering her team on and Freddie ran as fast as he could. In 4K, Lala gave it her best shot and Millie ran in and out of the hurdles, concentrating carefully.

 In year 6 two people were noticed.  In 6NH, Danny for honesty and in 6OH Oliver F was showing great skills.

Keep trying, everyone!


Quote from Mr Dyer

“The event was arranged with the Dartmoor Sports Partnership so that all children could participate in competitions despite current restrictions. It was brilliant to see our children engaging with our value of sportsmanship for the whole day.”




4th Green - Sandpipers

3rd Red - Dunlins

2nd Blue - Avocets

1st Yellow – Cormorants

Sportspeople of the day:

Rosie and Lily from 4Ws

Lucas and Anna from 4K

Charleigh and Riley from 5B

George and Rosie from 5SB

Maria and Samuel from 6OH

Rory and Holly from 6NH
